Water Infrastructure

Canning St Water Main Renewal
Client: City West Water
Design and construction of a 2.5km DN750 Drinking Water Main along Canning and Park St's in Carlton, Victoria. The works were to replace the existing and failing 140 year old DN450 main along Nicholson St, and delivered within a narrow corridor with a high traffic location.

Lance Creek Water Connection
Client: South Gippsland Water
Now providing security of water supply to the South Gippsland region, the Lance Creek Water Pipeline project enables the transfer of potable water from the Lance Creek Reservoir and Water Treatment Plant to the existing Korumburra and Poowong Water Treatment Plant sites. Jaydo was awarded and successfully delivered all three water pipeline installation contracts, totalling 30.5km of pipeline.

Colac Water Pump Station
Client: Barwon Water
Construction of a new pump station building as part of the Colac Water Supply Upgrade project to secure long term water supply to Colac. Works included internal fitout, bridge crane and existing switch room alterations, supply and installation of 3x 250kw inline vertical pumps, ventilation fans, related pipework, and all electrical works.

Ballarto Rd Potable & Recycled Water Mains
Client: South East Water
Design, construction, testing, commissioning and handover of new potable and recycled water mains along Ballarto Road, Cranbourne. Works included installation of 4.5 km of dual DN600 MSCL potable water main and 2.8km of DN225 PVC recycled water main, as well as the installation of isolation valves, air valves and scour discharge points and connections.

Centre Rd Water Main Renewals Project
Client: South East Water
Renewal of a 450m section of DN750 MSCL pipe along the westbound carriageway of Centre Rd, a busy thoroughfare of the Clayton community precinct. As well as construction of a new DN360 PE pipe through the existing main and additional works including renewal of 900m of reticulation mains using slip line techniques.

Cranbourne West Recycled Water Tank
Client: South East Water
Design and construct of the Cranbourne West Recycled Water Tank to facilitate the quickly expanding residential areas around Cranbourne. Works included the civil development of a new industrial block, installation of a 2.5ml welded steel RW tank, as well as upstream and downstream pipeline connections.
Sewer Infrastructure

Lockerbie Main Sewer
Client: Yarra Valley Water
Jaydo-Ventia JV design and delivery of approximately 9.2km of main sewer pipeline along the Melbourne-Sydney railway line including trenchless crossings, several branch crossings, GRP maintenance structures, vortex and free drop structures. The management and engagement with the local stakeholders including landowners and various authorities, was the backbone of the project's success.

Officer South Pump Station
Client: South East Water
Delivered on South East Water's largest sewer pump station, the scope of works included wet well hydraulic upgrades with installation of a 560kw pump and DN 600 stainless steel pipework, odour management system, protective coating of the wet well, associated electrical upgrades and civil works including the upgrade of the emergency relief structure and driveway alterations.

Grant St Sewer Pump Station
Client: Greater Western Water
Upgrade to the SPS to meet forecast growth requirements in the Bacchus Marsh area, more than doubled the capacity from 37 litres to in excess of 100 litres per second. The delivery of the new pump station required the installation of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) sewer bypass to enable the installation of two underground storage tanks, pumps and an above ground electrical cabinet.

Kennedy's Drive SPS & Wet Weather Detention Storage
Client: Central Highlands Water
Construction of a 10m deep, 4m internal diameter cast in-situ epoxy coated concrete wet well, new precast concrete valve and flowmeter pits, supply and install of mechanical equipment, installation of wet weather detention storage including 16x 175kl GRP tanks, riser, interconnecting pipework and precast concrete manholes, gravity main and rising main installations, and associated electrical works.

Reid & Creswell SPS and Risin Main
Client: South East Water
Renewal of the Reid Parade and Creswell St sewer rising mains through residential areas of Crib Point, Bittern and Somers, along with pump station refurbishments and a pressure sustaining barometric loop, using open cut and trenchless construction, horizontal directional drilling (HDD) technology, and pipe jacking techniques.

Lara Sewer Pump Station & Rising Main
Client: Department of Justice / Barwon Water
Design and construction of a new sewer pump station and rising main to the length of 10km, as part of the Barwon Prison Precinct Wastewater Infrastructure Upgrade.
Drainage Infrastructure

King, Collins & Spencer Drainage Renewal Works
Client: Melbourne City Council
Stage 1 of the Melbourne CBD Drainage Renewal Works as part of the City of Melbourne's Flood Management Plan. Works included installation of an additional drain, in parallel to the existing, to increase the capacity of the local drainage network and reduce likelihood of flooding. A night works delivery to minimise disruption to the local area.

Harry St Reserve Stormwater Detention
Client: City of Casey
Delivery of over 1,100m3 of stormwater detention for the City of Casey to mitigate flooding in the local catchment area. Works were delivered by Spel Chamber, made up of 194 chambers and 26 end caps. Reinstatement of the reserve included footpaths, kerbs, new perimeter fencing and bench seats.

Saltwater Coast - Water Quality
Client: Breese Pitt Dixon / Melbourne Water
Upgrade of the existing drainage pipeline to return the Saltwater wetlands back to its normal operating conditions. Works included removal of roots and trees, and the installation of a new drainage pipeline and structures. Multiple wetland ponds were also desilted, new access tracks were installed and a network of penstocks were installed to allow the dewatering of the individual ponds.

Rodds Drain Upgrade
Client: Sandridge Roads
Part of the Taylors Rd widening works, working closely with Melbourne Water, the scope of works included upgrade of the existing live drain, to be replaced with nearly 300 lm of 1800x1500 & 2700x1500 culverts, on a 10m wide structural culvert slab, along with drainage pipes, concrete pits, and over 2,000m² of Melbourne Water rock beaching.

Culvert and Drainage Projects
Client: Bayport / Sandridge Roads / Beveridge Williams
Delivery of multiple culvert projects across Victoria including Waterside Estate in Clyde North, Shelton Park Wetlands and Kaduna Park. Each project had their own complexities and challenges, and completed with

Elcho Main Drain & Road Reconstruction
Client: Geelong City Councilr
Construction of over 3.5km of RC pipes ranging from DN 900 to DN 1500 in diameter, haunched pits and associated junction pits, bridgework consisting of a 5x cell culvert structure using 2400mm x 1200mm large box culverts, full reconstruction of the West and East Heales Roads and reinstatement works including rock beaching and landscaping.